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Description: Ideal for smaller gardens and formal wildflower lawns. This mix Irish Native Wildflower seed mix contains the most colourful of all the tidy species in our entire range and suits nearly every situation.

Not intended for fertile soils as the resulting weeds or grass will smother it. This native wildflower mixture is great alternative to high maintanance lawn or plants and thrive on poor soil.


Creating Irish Native Wildflower meadow is great way to improve biodiversity, help bees, butterflies and other pollinators, but also improve your mental wellbeing.


100% flower mix: no grass seeds

Seed Sowing Rates: 1.5 - 3 grams per metre.

Optimal sowing period: March to June or August to October

Flowering Period: May to August.

Life Cycle: Annual / Biennial / Perennial



Species List: Birdsfoot trefoil, Black Meddick, Centaury, CornMarigold, Corn Poppy, Cornflower, Corncockle, Cowslip, Devil'sBit Scabious, Eyebright, Kidney Vetch, Hawksbit, Lady'sBedstraw, Marjoram, Primrose, Scented Mayweed, RibwortPlantain, Ox-eye Daisy, Red Bartsia, Ragged Robin, Red Clover,Selfheal, Sorrel, St Johnswort, Yarrow, Yellow Rattle

Includes Irish wild orchids seeds


Disclaimer: wild orchids are very tricky to grow and even with proper meadow management many species will need several years to mature , others need certain fungi to be present in soil for simbiotic relationship


Sowings instructions: Plant in full sun. Dislikes very wet soil. For best results remove all grass and weeds and sow on bare soil. Alternatively mow grass on shortest setting and rake out as much as possible exposing bare soil. If sown into grass it will be beneficial to mix in additional yellow rattle seeds, which suppress the grass growth. Sow seeds in 2 direction for even distribution. Rake lightly and roll or walk over seeds to achieve better contact with soil. If sowing in spring water regularly in first 2-3 weeks during dry weather until you see successful germination.


Maintanance: after flowering let the flowers self seed and cut meadow in autumn. Remove all vegetation to avoid enriching te soil, wildflowers thrive in poor soils. Requires only one cut pre year, but two or three cuts in second or subsequent years will make it more tidy for your garden and help it to flower more, cut to 4 inches.In year 1, the first year of growth will be of the annual species, which grow taller than the growth of flora in the following years.


Recommended read:

Irish Native Wildflowers: Area preparation, sowing and maintenance 

3 common mistakes to avoid when establishing Wildflower meadow

Irish Native Wildflowers: Wild Orchid mix (27+ species)

Tax Included
  • 10g: 3-6 sqm (small garden)

    30g: 10-20 sqm (medium size garden)

    90g: 30-60 sqm (large size garden)

    250g: 83-166 sqm (XL garden)